Bereton Montessori

Arrange a Visit

The best way to get to know Bereton Montessori Schools is to see us for yourself. We enjoy welcoming families to our school at any time of the year, although we recommend visiting in term time to get a true feel for Bereton life.

Open Mornings

These are to give families an opportunity to experience Bereton Montessori if they have never visited the School before. A typical Open Morning starts an opportunity to meet with staff, including tutors, as well as hearing from the Headmaster and You will then be given a group tour the School.

Individual visits

You and your family can also book a personal visit to the School. Each visit lasts around two and a half hours, during which time you will be given a tour of the School by current pupils, as well as having the opportunity to meet a Housemaster/Housemistress and talk to a senior member of staff.

To book an open morning or individual visit, please call +234 815 090 3460 or fill in the form on our contact page.

If you have questions about Bereton Montessori, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to speak with you about a truly wonderful place for your family and children to be in school.